work 1work n. (1) 仕事, 労働, 作業; 事業; 仕事の口, 職業; 仕事場; 勉強, 研究. 【動詞+】 accomplish work of international importance 国際的に重要な仕事をなし遂げる I haven't accomplished much work today. きょうは大して仕事ができなかった achie
i want to work in breeding fish in the aquarium . 僕ね 水族館の 飼育員に なりたいんだ。
you have to work some magic like this occasionally . たまにこんなマジックをかけないと
i used to work with him at the ministry of defence . 彼とは国防軍で一緒に働いていました
and i've got to work with everything else all the time 常に向き合わなければなりません
the samples are ready . it's time to get back to work . サンプルの準備が 出来たわ
we will continue to work within jcc . Joint Consultative Councilも同様です
two and half hours to get to work in the morning ; 朝、仕事場に着くまでに2時間半かかる
you used to work at a trading company , didn't you ? 《前は商社に勤めてたんだっけ?》
and you'll continue to work from 95 still . ⦅あなたは今まで通り 9時から夕方5時まで働くだけ⦆
just tell me if this is bring your daughter to work day . 小娘連れて来やがって!